Welcome Partners!

Welcome Partners! This is the official IESE Couples and Family Club site. In this blog you will find all the information you need to make the IESE Partner experience the best! We are waiting for your questions and comments!

Apr 27, 2011


Welcome the new club in town, THE IESE Swim Bike Run "SBR" Triathlon club.

"Triathlon’s roots can be traced back to 1974, Mission Bay, Southern California where a group of friends began training together. Amongst them were runners, swimmers and cyclists and before long training sessions turned into informal races."

Be a part of history and join SBR... do more than just drink your face off every weekend.  Train with us and motivate to do it all, from local foot-races to multi-sport, multi-day team events in exotic destinations.  Bond with your classmates through pushing your limits... outside of the library. If your dream is to have everything needed in your moto to be Swimming, Biking or Running with 5 minutes notice - now is your chance.

Swim, Bike, Run with active amigos and amigas - though don't expect a better ratio - who aspire to do a local race once in a while, or tackle all three in an Ironman - all is possible in the IESE SBR CLUB.

We will provide members with race calendars, training sessions, gear, events and the invitation to form part of the FIRST IESE RACE!!!

- Swim. Bike. Run....  Repeat as necessary -

If you are interested in joining the mailing list please email to: sbr@iese.net for more info

Apr 12, 2011

Farewell Party 2011 Partners

Hi everyone! Please join us for an evening of cocktails and toasting to new beginnings as we say farewell to the 2011 Partners and thank the 2011 Presidents of our club!

We will meet this Thursday April 14 at 10 pm at Belice: C/ Santalo, 36!
Hope to see you there!!

Hola a tod@s! Los esperamos para brindar y despedir a  las Partners 2011 y agradecer al equipo del Partners Club 2011!

Nos vemos el Jueves 14 de abril 10 pm @ Belice: C/ Santalo, 36!

Nos vemos!

Apr 7, 2011

Sunny days for IESE kids!

Hey Moms & Dads! Finally we got some sunny days, we bet the little ones are eager to get out there - We have some info that  might be useful if you are searching for playgrounds.

Hola mamás y papás ! Finalmente ya salió el sol, seguro los pequeños quieren salir fuera - Tenemos un poco de info para que sepan donde puedan llevarlos.

Información sobre parques para niños:
Existen muchos en Barcelona, algunos escondidos. Casi todos los parques públicos tiene una sección para niños y muchas veces entre edificios se encuentran plazitas para que los niños jueguen.

Information on playgrounds:
There are countless playgrounds in Barcelona, just some of them are hidden away.  Most public parks will have at least a little play area for kids, and you can find some really nice playgrounds in the courtyards in-between apartment buildings all over the city.

Para el invierno existen centros de juegos cerrados para los niños como/ For the winter there are closed playgrounds for children such as:

1. Happy Parc (diferentes ubicaciones/ different locations)

2. Waki Park (Manuel de Falla, 31, Tel. 93 205 46 76)

3. Chiquitin (diferentes ubicaciones/ different locations)

4. Jocland (C/ Morales, 44, Tel: 934 301 442)

5. Xiqui parc (Calle de la Marina, 228, Tel: 932 314 059)

Página web con parques para niños/ Great link to playgrounds:

Página web con panoramas entretenidos/ Great link to fun activities:

Apr 4, 2011

Graduation 2011

Graduation day is coming, for the 2011 class we wish you all the luck. You´ll be missed.

El día de graduación ya viene, para la clase de 2011 les deseamos toda la suerte y l@s extrañaremos.

The graduation ceremony of the 46th class of the MBA Program will take place on IESE´s Barcelona campus on May 13  at 5:30 pm. Mr. Isak  Andic,  Executive Chairman of  Mango,  member of  IESE's International  Advisory  Board and Chairman of the Family Business Institute will deliver the commencement address.

El próximo 13 de mayo, a las 17:30 horas tendrá lugar el acto de graduación de la 46ª  Promoción del  MBA Program en el campus de Barcelona. La lección magistral correrá a cargo de D. Isak Andic, Presidente Ejecutivo de Mango, miembro del International Advisory Board del IESE y  Presidente del Instituto de Empresa Familiar.